
I am graduated from the Msc Marine Sciences of Sorbonne University where I focused mainly on statistical modeling of community dynamic.

I started my PhD in macroecology in October 2020 at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, at the Dept. of Spatial Sciences under Petr Keil supervision. I am a proud member of the MOBI lab.

The main goal of my PhD is to understand the link between biodiversity dynamic and spatio-temporal scales. This link being taxon dependent, I decided to focus on avian biodiversity. To tackle this problem, I am using machine learning methods to develop a framework that could be used on other taxa.

Coding represent more than 50% of my research time. The R programming language is my main language but I also use Julia, Python and other different languages (see my CV).

My PhD is now fully funded by Petr’s ERC grant.